The Best Way to Resolve Your Family Law Issues

I Pledge to Use My Decades of Family Law Knowledge and Expertise to Make Your Mediation as Smooth and Effective as Possible.

About Me

I am a highly skilled family law attorney with decades of experience in both litigation and mediation. With a Board Certification in Family Law from the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, I will use my strong foundation of legal knowledge, experience, and specialized family law mediation training to compassionately help parties reach an amicable resolution to avoid the anxiety and expense of trial.

Of the 110,00 lawyers that are licensed to practice in Texas, only 6,900 are Board Certified, placing me in a distinguished group. Texas Monthly Magazine has consistently honored me as a Top Attorney in Family Law, and I am known throughout Texas as a frequent speaker at continuing legal education seminars on a wide range of family law topics, including mediation.

After receiving my law degree from LSU and my license to practice law in Louisiana, I accepted a job with an oil and gas company, moved to Texas, and passed the Texas Bar Exam. After a year at the oil and gas company, I left and opened my family law firm in 1994. When I am not meditating, I cherish the time I spend with my family and friends. I enjoy walking my two dogs, listening to music, reading a good book, and, of course, watching football.

About Mediation

Mediation is a process in which an independent and impartial third party assists parties to amicably resolve their dispute. It is an efficient and cost-effective way to identify mutually acceptable solutions for both parties.

In litigation, the goal is to fight to win. In my decades of litigating cases, I can honestly say that no one wins in litigation. In most cases, neither party is happy with the Judge's ruling, astronomical amounts of money have been put into the litigation, ultimately reducing the amount left for the parties, and any hope of courteous communication is dashed. Future positive communication is especially important when children are involved. Remember, your relationship with the other parent doesn't end when the child turns 18. Life goes on in terms of college, marriage, and grandchildren. Being able to amicably participate in the future of your family is something that lasts a lifetime.

In mediation, the goal is resolution. I will lead you through the non-adversarial, respectful process, focusing on the goals and interests of each party to help you reach a mutually agreeable resolution with the advice and input of your attorney. Mediation is less costly than litigation, which ultimately means more funds are left with the parties and not expended on court costs and attorney's fees. Future family relationships and communication have a better foundation when the parties have worked respectfully together to reach an agreement.

I meet with the parties separately to confidentially discuss goals and concerns. Working with your attorney, we will develop options and possible solutions that meet the needs of both parties. When an agreement is reached, I will draft a Mediated Settlement Agreement (MSA) that contains the terms of the agreement. When both parties and their attorneys have signed the MSA, it is binding and irrevocable. You can walk away knowing that your issues are resolved and finalized and that you, not a Judge, made the best decisions for you and your family.

After nearly 30 years, I transitioned out of litigation because my clients who participated in mediation were happier and more satisfied with the outcome of their cases than were my clients who went to trial. I decided I wanted to be the person, the mediator, that helps good people in a difficult situation resolve their disputes in a less costly, more civilized manner. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

A man and woman shaking hands over a table.
A red and green logo with the letter t.

"Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor; only fools insist on quarreling."
Proverbs 20:3

"I never lose. Either I win or learn."
Nelson Mandela

"Peace is not the absence of conflict. It is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means."
Ronald Reagan

"Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."
John F. Kennedy

"You can't calm the storm so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass."
The Power of Positivity


A woman standing at a podium in front of a large screen.
A woman standing at a podium with an american flag in the background.
A woman with glasses and a name tag.
A woman standing at the podium with her hand up.
A woman in glasses and a pink jacket